EB-BC208 Controller

EB-BC208 Controller

The EB-BC208 controller is one of the executive devices of the Integrated Management System (IMS).

It has eight output ports. The first four ports have three pins each: * NC, NO and COM, while the other four ports have only the NO and COM pins. They can be used to control external devices, e.g. switch on lighting, heating, control electromagnetic bolts in doors, control the operation of air conditioning or other electrical devices. After using external relays, the system allows you to control devices that require a higher supply voltage or higher power. Rapid exchange of information with management devices allow immediate response to any orderabout the change of output states.

In addition, the controller has:

  • tamper socket to which a housing opening sensor can be connected.
  • emergency power supply system that requires an external battery.


Technical parameters:

Power supply: POWER input

Constant voltage, unstable with a nominal value of 12V,

Permissible supply voltage of the controller itself 10-17V,

Power consumption: The controller working independently consumes from 40 to 220mA,
Outputs: The controller has four outputs.

High condition occurs when the COM and NO contacts short circuit.

The load on each output is: – 50V AC, 1A – 24V DC, 2A

Dimensions: height 122mm, width 120mm, height of the highest element 50mm


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